نیم حمایت

۲۰۰۸ میں وسعت اللہ خان نے اپنے اس کالم میں مدلل انداز میں یہ نکتہ واضح کیا تھا کہ شدت پسندوں کی نیم حمایت کرنے والے بھی آخر کار انہی شدت پسندوں کے غیض و غضب کا نشانہ بن جاتے ہیں۔

شہباز شریف کے حالیہ بیان میں غالباً یہی شکوہ پوشیدہ ہے۔

وسعت کا کالم :

شہباز شریف کا بیان :

مشکل ہوئے اس کے لئے حالات بہت تھے

Conviction - The Leopard and the Fox

"BHUTTO (chuckling). Unheard of! We have our cock-eyed Pathan from the frontier. Did you know his wife was caught stealing panties at Marks and Spencers in London?

Cherry shakes her head and laughs.

BHUTTO (cont'd). She was convicted. A fine. Her husband said it was an imperialist-Zionist plot! (Both men laugh.) She returned home red-faced. Denied it all. Frame up, etc., etc., . . Then her husband's best friend, or so we thought, an upright old feudal type, also gave a press conference on the subject. (mimics) 'Why should this decent lady steal panties in the first place. She never wears any.' Cherry? How did he know? Our workers and peasants demand an answer!"

Excerpt from "The Leopard and the Fox" by Tariq Ali

Dual booting Windows Server 2008 R2 with Vista

I was little worried when I found out that I would have to install Windows Server 2008 R2 to play with some of the Server based technologies (SharePoint 2010, EPM 2010, etc). I already had installed a Vista Business x64 6 months ago and It was performing good and my concern was that whether my existing installation of Vista will be retained or not? And subsequently will I be able to have choice of booting through either OS or not.
Finally i did installed Windows Server 2008 R2 today & fortunately, the results were very good. Installation was a very smooth procedure, took less then an hour and (I think) less then a dozen clicks. And my Boot Loader was automatically configured to give me option to boot through Vista or Server 2008 :)
Both Operating Systems are working fine.

فرقہ وارانہ فسادات - پنجابی طالبان

محمد احمد لدھیانوی کو آج بھی جھنگ میں طاقتور شخصیت تسلیم کیا جاتا ہےبلکہ پچھلے دنوں فوجی ہیڈ کوارٹر (جی ایچ کیو) پر جب حملہ آوروں نے کئی اعلیٰ فوجی عہدیداروں کو کئی گھنٹے تک یرغمال بنائے رکھا تو حملہ آوروں سے بات چیت کے لئے فوجی کمانڈروں نے کالعدم سپاہِ صحابہ کے سربراہ محمد احمد لدھیانوی سے جھنگ میں ہی رابطہ کیا اور "مدد" حاصل کی۔
دوسری طرف فیصل آباد میں قائم اہلِ تشیع مدرسہ "جامع آلِ محمد" فرقہ وارانہ قتل و غارت میں اہم کردار ادا کرتا رہا ہے۔  مذکورہ مدسرے کے بانی محمد اسماعیل دیو بندی پاکستان میں فرقہ واریت کے بانیوں میں شمار کئے جاتے ہیں۔ مولانا اسماعیل احمد دیوبندی جیسا کہ نام سے ظاہر ہے شیعہ مذہب اختیار کرنے سے پہلے دیو بندی مسلک سے منسلک تھے۔ ان کے بارے میں مشہور ہے کہ وہ ایک شعلہ بیان مناظر اور خطیب تھے جو اپنے خطبات کے ذریعے "آگ" لگانے میں مہارت رکھتے تھے۔ جب انہوں نے دیوبندی مسلک کو ترک کر کے شیعہ مسلک اختیار کیا تو انہوں نے اپنی اس شعلہ بیانی رخ سنّی عقائد کی طرف موڑ دیا۔ عقیدہ تبدیل کرنے کے بعد انہیں اہلِ تشیع حلقوں میں ہاتھوں ہاتھ لیا گیا اور وہ ہر مجلس میں اپنی تقریر کا آغاز اس جملے سے کرتے کہ "میں بالآخر مذہب حق کی طرف لوٹ آیا ہوں اور آپ سے معافی کا طلب گا ر ہوں کہ میں نے اپنے "ایامِ جہالت" میں آپ لوگوں کی بہت دل آزاری کی اور دینِ اسلام کی اصل شخصیات کو پہچان نہ سکا"۔

مجاہد حسین کی تصنیف "پنجابی طالبان" سے اقتباس۔

Attock Oil Shares - A banker for all seasons

"Our information is that the BCCI not only set up the deal but retains effective control of the Attock. The Attock Oil share supposedly held by 'Arab investors'  were placed under lock and key by Abedi's henchman Swaleh Naqvi -- together with undated transfer documents signed by all four principles of KIFCO. Thus Abedi, without appearing formally on the record, has Pakistan's nascent oil industry neatly under his thumb.
The BCCI's official spokesmen deny this account, and say that the Attock Oil shares has been registered 'perfectly normally' in the name of yet another company, Finance and Investment International Corporation (FIIC). It perhaps comes as no surprise that this registration took place in the Cayman Islands, where FIIC is domiciled, like too many interesting parts of the BCCI structure."

Excerpt from "A banker for all seasons" by Tariq Ali.

Me & This Blog

A good shoe is missed when a bad one starts biting. Oxygen is felt more when it is scarce. Few weeks ago, I turned 29 and the list of things which gets my attention more because they are no more there, is getting longer and longer.

I started losing hair noticeably ever since I entered into the 3rd decade of my life. Thankfully this is something money (in my case, Master Card) can buy and I had a hair transplant 4 years ago. The result was quite good and it remained good till I started losing rest of my original hair. Now I don’t know if I'll have another transplant or not but my attention span to my hair has grown forever.

There is no standard way to measure the ability of memorization. but if I have to go by guts then my ability to remember new names and recent happenings has been reduced to 1/3 of what it used to be at teenage. The sharp good memory was always so taken for granted that I still silently hope that my guts are giving me the wrong signal.

Often being laughed at for being under weight at young age, my body Fat is increasing at appx. 1% of total body weight every year. The target of "get slim" has slowly transitioned to "get less fat". The only progress so far is the progress of transition itself.
Sleeping (one of the 3 best things in life, the other two being eating and having sex) early or at will has never been in my control. But once I used to get sleep, having a good sleep like a baby was a built-in, fundamental and obvious feature of life. Now the duration is shortened and the quality has degraded.

It took me 4 years to complete Hifz-e-Quran, 13 to complete school till 10th Grade, 2 more to complete Higher secondary school and then 4 more to become a Bachelor in Computer Science. 8 years since then, and my Educational Qualification is virtually stagnant. Once an ambition and then a wish, growing career and social responsibilities have turned acquiring Masters degree now into a distant dream.

In a human mind, thoughts come and go at hundredth fractions of a second. One can have essentially millions of thoughts a day. Among those million opportunities, whenever I compare myself with my other peers, I always find myself "above-average" in most regards. Now If you are reading this post from the beginning than you might consider it an over estimation, but then a vast majority of people at Orkut have described themselves having above-average looks (giving the whole new meaning to the word "average" :D) .

Loss always accompanies a gain. Some times for some other person and other times for the same person. Among the many other things which I have gained from the losses is a realization that I don't have to lose something before I could start appreciating it. Like an acquired skill, the realization has slowly been evolved in me with time.

I have realized that there are countless things in my life which I like them for being there. Almost every person, every moment and everything has some good to offer which others can't. There is so much in my life which deserves appreciation. The early self-actualization through my parents. The intense desire to grow up (and now not to grow up further), acquiring wealth of knowledge at madrasah and school. The useless time I spend with my friends, the books I read, my thoughts, my sense of dressing, my writings, moments that I spent with my wife, moments I spent with her when she wasn't my wife, sometimes car driving, stalking semi anonymous people at Face book, intense debates with friends and unknown people on internet forums, creating my own computer software, movies I watch, plans I make to get organized and then assuming that I'll achieve them, presentations I do to my customers, the fatty food I eat and the running I do on treadmill, taking photographs, gossiping about friends with other friends, and the list is endless.

I have created this blog to bring some of these appreciations on the record. Every blog post would be a subtle appreciation in form of the knowledge shared in that post. As you are reading this blog, you already know some aspect of me,(and particularly if you know me in real life), I owe you an appreciation and thanking for being part of my life.

The blog is dedicated to me and everything and every one that makes me "Me".